Mayfield Dairy Farm

Saturday, September 19, 2009 Aimee Larsen 1 Comments

Last week I went on a field trip with Cooper!
I haven't been on a field trip with him since Pre-K, well except for Kindergarten but that one didn't count.  This time we went to the Mayfield Dairy Farms.  It rained!
It was a long drive and it rained and we were late.
But...we did get to go in and see how they bottled milk and made their own jugs.  The ice-cream facility was closed and I believe it would be worth a trip back to see that.

They kids ate ice-cream while I shopped in the gift store and bought a yellow T-Shirt with the brown mayfield logo...too awesome I think.  I bought pencils, a coffee mug, two footballs for the little buddies who couldn't go with us and Cooper bought!
drum roll please...A POCKET KNIFE.....gasp I know, at a field trip for school!  HA HA!

He's sly like that!  Mean head!

Watch out COOPER!  There's a tuck coming!!!!

BAM!  It just knocked him down!  Crazy kid!
I'm dying to go to the Mayfield Nursery and Farm!
Hey that might be fun to do on fall break!
I couldn't take pictures of the facilities because cameras were prohibited but here are the directions of you want to go yourself and you live anywhere near here.
click on images to enlarge them!

1 comment:

  1. Matt and I took the kids to this place a couple of years ago. We just went on like a weekday for no reason. It was really neat to see how they do the milk and icecream. The kids really liked it.


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