I'm BAAACKK! Let's catch up!

Thursday, June 27, 2013 Aimee Larsen 0 Comments

I have taken a LONG hiatus!  LONG!  That's okay because things kept running smoothly while I was gone.  In the mean time I have so much to share so let's rewind.

Craftiness is out the window, I don't know where it went but I've got to find it again.  James and I did build a coffee table together but that's the extent of my crafty.  Well except for a few dresses I made and some infinity scarves.  But that was easy stuff.

I survived the end of the year school year and I resigned from my teachers position. See, I was pretty excited about having my car packed up.   It was a bold move that I needed to make for the betterment of my family.  I am now closer to my kids, the mom I was meant to be and I can work at their school anytime I want to!  yay

My oldest graduated 5th grade and my youngest graduated Kindergarten.  So it was an emotional end of the school year for this momma!

Evan is reading like a pro!  He's trying SO hard.  Poor guy has struggled all year with school...  yet another reason I'm coming home.

James and I flew to Dallas, Texas for AdvoCare No Limits training because AdvoCare totally rocks and you should try it!  Do you know I haven't flown since my oldest was a baby.  We road trip it everywhere we go so we were pretty excited to get on a plane that we didn't have to pay for.

My husband completed his first 5k and I'm a slacker.  I have only done 2 since Spring began.  I'm SO proud of him and he's looking SO good. 

Doesn't he look like a total hottie!  Omygosh I'm in love with this man!
He's lost 59lbs and looks good in a suit, in a limo!  Yeah baby!

We grew our own garden this year and it has been very fruitful!


I discovered I have an issue with my neck so I have to hang like a bat off the side of my bed.  I have bad posture.  Stand up straight girls like your momma told you to do!

Jake turned 6!  I can not believe my baby is 6!  I was a bad mom and didn't plan a birthday but I have awesome friends who help through one together for him so wouldn't know.  AGAIN, another reason I left my teaching job.

My New Yorkie friend Emily came to visit and started her first 24 Day challenge to lose that HUGE amount of fat in the middle.  No, seriously.  She's doing it for better health and to tone up!  Looking Good Emily Ann!

Oh and I started CrossFit and I try not to DIE every M, W and Friday!  I suck at this but I won't next year!  I promise you that!

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