German Schultutes: A Back to School Gift

Many schools are back in session today all over the country.  In my area, they started almost a month ago.  A few years ago I made this German Schultute for my oldest.  I was so proud of him and wanted his first grade year to be a success and off to the right start.

Last year, the little brothers and I made this much larger Schultute for him.  This time I included my instruction for make them.  So, click the link and go make your own.  It's a nice gift for back to school and can truly be given anytime of the year.  Sometimes kids need a nice pick me up too.  I'm praying for all teachers, children and parents as school years for many are getting started.

1 comment:

  1. We made them this year also :) Filled with treats and school supplies. I can buy them here....I live in Germany, but we made them instead....much cheaper!


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