The Sweetest Thing...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009 Aimee Larsen 0 Comments

Last night as I was fixing dinner I was listening to Cooper read his book for school and then I turned around and realized that Evan was sitting with him listening.
First I thought that's awesome that Evan wants to listen and then I thought that's AWESOME that Cooper is reading so fluently now that even little Evan wants to listen to him read.  I was literally in an "awe" moment.
It was an amazing moment and I'm SO proud of that big boy of mine.
 He might have a hard time getting all his work done or may scribble scrabble his words sometimes but the boy is learning to focus and settle down and that's exactly what he's supposed to do in school.
Please also, excuse the mess in our sunroom, I just noticed that one of my mean heads, left the recliner open and the open back of popcorn on the table.
Anyway, I had to share that with my blogging friends!
I hope you have "awe" moments everyday!

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