Slackers Welcome. Day 10 of Advocare Cleanse Phase

Truly, I have to back up and refresh because I have been slacking off on my blogging.  I'm sure some of you don't mind.  My school year has started back and when the kids came in, well...that just through me off schedule and I paused on my updates.  Plus it was my birthday, which doesn't mean much around here these days.  Ha!  I mean once you turn 29 so many times, people stop believing you and give up.  (wink)  So, back to Day 10.

Why do you do AdvoCare?  It works!

Why should I do AdvoCare?  100% promise that it works!

Day 9:
My mornings are very routine.FIBER DRINK DAY 10!  Yay!  Now, I just take two tiny pro-biotic tablets and 3 Catalyst to give my metabolism a boost.  Meal Replacement Shake today.  Chocolate Mocha is quickly becoming my favorite.  Take 3 OmegaPlex with food. Still shooting to have 1000ml of water in my body before my Mid Morning snack and that includes my fiber drink and shake. Easy Peasy!

Workout!  Early morning workout to my new AdvoCare "Can You 24" DVD with my hubs and again with my workout buddy.

Mid Morning:
Wow!  I snacked today!  SugarSnap Peas!!  Low Sodium Almonds.  I did drink a bottle of water, 500 ml.  I'll have to do better next time.
My lunch time at work today did not happen until around 1 p.m. and I was famished.  This is the problem with working, it can throw a wrench in my plans.  I kept snacking on my peas until time to eat. When I sit down to eat I will take 3 OmegaPlex as well.

I hate a salad with pumpkin seeds, cranberries and smoked chicken.  I used a creamy Italian.

Mid Afternoon:
I had a Spark which has amino acids and some catalyst.  Good healthy proteins curbed my hunger until dinner.  Plus, I needed some mental focus to get things done.

Dinner:  Tonight I worked a mixer and ate one of my yummy protein bars on the way there.  Yum!  Oh and did I mention that today was my cake for me but I'm feeling so much lighter today.

Before Bed:
We all need a bedtime snack.  Catalyst will do tonight, it is pure protein and what my body needs.  I will finish my last bottle of water before going to bed and take my Probiotics.

Yay the Cleanse Phase is over and now I'm going to enjoy the next 14 days of the challenge like I do every single day until time for the next cleanse.  :)

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