Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse...Try it!

A few months ago I decided to try an Apple Cider Vinegar as a rinse on my hair.  The very first time I used the rinse I feel in love.  My hair felt so soft and was so manageable that I was immediately hooked.  I had originally read a few recipes but I just got a bottle and poured it right on while in the shower.  It's cold and you don't want it in your eyes but your hair will feel so soft.  Just be sure to rinse it well just after pouring it on.

I don't know how it affects color but it didn't seem to change my hair color at all.  What I have noticed is this natural curl!  It's gone from an annoying wave to what you see here.  As it started to become more curly I would use a curling iron to enhance the curl but this morning, there was no need for a curling iron.

A few of my facebook friends have tried the Apple Cider Vinegar rinse and love it.  If you try it, let me know what you think.  Do you use a recipe that is worth trying?


  1. Very cool!  I think I need to try this to tame my naturally curly hair.  :)

  2. Beautiful curls!  The vinegar must be acting as a natural clarifier and removing the build up.  (I used to do hair before I had kids) :o)   With the build up being gone, your curls are bouncing up.  It looks great!  I need to do this!  You'd be surprised how much regular shampoo, conditioners, hairspray, and tap water can build up on your hair.  Not to mention everyday dirt and dust.  Thanks for the post!

  3. Oh wow, I am so trying this!  It seems like it would dry hair out, but I know people use it to condition.  I want to have my natural curl bounce back like it hasn't because my hair is too dry.  Thanks for sharing your gorgeous curls.

  4. Now I want to grab my bottle of apple cider vinegar and go hop in the shower! Thanks for such a great tip. ;)

  5. I've been meaning to try this for a long time - I think you just pushed me over the edge :)
    What are you washing with?

  6. Boy, what goes around, comes around.  When I was a kid, (I'm 58) vinegar was the rinse of choice.  Later came all the store-bought stuff.

  7. Your hair is beautiful!  I've been using 1 tbsp of baking soda instead of shampoo - making a paste & massaging it onto my scalp, set for a few minutes then rinse; follow with a little conditioner, but haven't tried this rinse yet.  My hair is so much curlier without regular shampoo!  I may have to try the rinse, too :)

  8. If you like that you should try "no poo"  You use 1T baking soda in a cup of water use it as shampoo then rinse and do 1T apple cidar vinegar in one cup of water for your conditioner.  It makes your hair soft and your curl awesome.  I put together the best tutorials on it here  seriously worth a shot from one aimee to another aimee :)


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