I heard a drop of water...

Yesterday, after I picked up my boys from school I headed over to Costco for some groceries.  On my way, I stopped because a lady was getting out of her car and it was on fire.  I grabbed a fire extinguisher from the gas station next to her and ran over and put it out.  She ended up being very unappreciative so I left.  That woman has been on my mind all night.  So, at 6 a.m. I decide I can't lay in bed and toss and turn over this situation anymore.  I decided a hot bath was what I needed to clear my head and a talk with our Father.  My thoughts about my week were churning and I had to pray for a clear mind.  After I prayed for this lady my mind became focused on the devotion I needed to prepare for today.  See, I was asked to do a devotion for the kids at our church that play Upwards Basketball.  My kids don't play so I have struggled with this all week.  It was only after I prayed for the situations I was struggling with that God cleared my head and gave me the devotion...
I heard a drop of water.

When I saw the ripple in the water I immediately though of 1 act of kindness, spreading through the lives of people we touch.  The ripple is strong and condensed at first but as it moves out and spreads it becomes smaller and weaker until it is unrecognizable.  However, 1 drop of water changes the entire dynamic of an ocean.  So, I thought about many drops of water and their affect.  At some point, not only will the acts of kinds noticeably change the water but, the water will begin to overflow.

We all have gifts that we can use to pour out onto others.  We can not worry about running out or feeling dry because God replenishes our hearts.  We can not out give our God.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men."  Colossians 3:23
God wants us to get better at using our abilities and then use the to serve God and share His love with others.


  1. Thanks for a very refreshing post (no pun intended).

  2. Very good reminder! We sometimes stay looking for immediate thankfulness, or change. God works in His time on each heart. Thank you for the reminder ~

  3. Nicely put! :) Every single act of kindness matters! Have a great week!

  4. Thank you for this post! It is a good reminder to us all!

  5. Great thought! Thanks for sharing.  I love your blog every time I pop by I am inspired either craftily or spiritually!  Blessings Kristy from www.apronsandapples.blogspot.com


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