Day 29: Homemade Silly Putty with Aprons and Apples

I am so excited to get to be here posting on one of my favorite blogs!  Let me first quickly introduce myself. My name is Kristy and I have 4 kids ranging from 1 up to 6 with a 2 year old that we adopted from the South Pacific while there doing mission work. 
I love crafting and sewing and found Aimee's blog while looking up patterns and have been reading it ever since!  I now have a crafty, healthy, DIY blog at
Thanks again Aimee for the chance to be here with you and all your readers!

I want to share a simple, fun tutorial on how to make silly putty.  It is cheap and easy and makes a great gift for birthdays or any other occasion.   You can mix up any color you choose, add glitter, or tuck a tiny toy inside when gift giving.  It bounces, self levels and is hours of fun.

Heres what we will need  to get started...
1 cup Elmers school glue (this type of glue works the best)
1/2 cup liquid starch
optional- food coloring and or glitter

The first step is to simply put 1/2 cup liquid starch into the bowl.
 Now add the glue.  Be sure to keep the ratio exactly 1 cup glue to 1/2 cup starch as it can get too sticky.  This 1 cup looks a little too full.  

 Now mix it all together.  This stage takes awhile.
 Just keep mixing and eventually it will come together.
Now is when you add the food coloring and or glitter.
 Once it is together enough to handle knead it by hand.  If it feels too sticky just add a little more starch.  

 And that is it!  You now have two big batches of silly putty!  We made one blue and one purple.

My kids are still playing with it days later! 
You will want to store it in jars or plastic containers with lids as it sticks to plastic bags.  You can also store it in smaller batches in left over Easter eggs.
Hope you enjoyed this!  
Please be sure to visit us


  1. Stephanie HargisTuesday, May 31, 2011

    I made this with my 2nd grade students at Halloween time and they LOVED it! We called it slime though so that it would tie in with our Halloween theme! :)

  2. Just made this using your recipe.  Thanks for sharing!  One question - have you ever actually added glitter to the mix?  We seemed to have a good texture going after adding a little extra starch and mixing in our color, but as soon as I added glitter, the whole thing went runny and sticky again.  I had to add quite a bit more starch to get the consistency right again.  And, we couldn't see the glitter at all anyway!  Still totally fun and fascinating, I was just surprised by the glitter issue.

  3. Hi!  Can you use this silly putty to show the mixing of primary colors?  Will the premade colored putty mix together and create a secondary color or does it stay separate?  I am trying to introduce color concepts to Kindergarteners through 3rd grade as an art docent and need some hands on ideas.  Thanks so much!


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