Day 16: Kids Create a Birds Nest with My Kids Make

Hi! I'm Becky from My Kids Make and I am excited to be part of the Summer Soiree.

We recently spent the day bird watching, complete with kid binoculars and a walk through the woods. The mission was to find bird nests.
We had been reading books about birds and their nests, and were determined to see some first hand.

After our walk, I let the kids try making their own bird nests out of gathered materials from around the house & yard.

We gathered twigs, moss, grass and feathers from outside. From inside, we found cotton balls and yarn to add to our collection.

Using playdough (homemade or store bought) as the "mud" to hold the nest together, let your kids experiment with building their own nests out of the supplies you gathered.

My kids had fun jamming sticks together, piling on moss, and even layering cotton balls into their nests.
We even put them outside in our tree.{Note: the playdough doesn't hold up in the rain, just a heads up!}

This really is a simple project that was fun for my kids. They enjoyed walking around, searching for bird nests, and they especially liked creating their own!
I hope you have fun trying this with your own kids.
Please stop by and visit. We are always working on projects & baking goodies!
Thanks Aimee for having me!

1 comment:

  1. Cute idea Becky.  I'm sure the kids had a blast!


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