Grocery Store Accidents Happen

Last night Baby Boy/Superman was riding in one of those grocery store carts that have the "race car" front.  He was buckled in but still stuck his head out the side window as I was going by a metal display.  I felt a thud and he started screaming.  Thanks to some frozen peas out of the freezer section, the swelling stopped and the bruising was minimal.  It's barely noticeable but let me tell you when a mom sees a horn growing out of the side of her super heroes head, she kinda freaks out a little. 


  1. That will make every mom gasp because we can all picture it happening to us. So sorry for both of you that it happened and glad your little one's okay.

  2. That is no fun! I feel the pain for both of you! My daughter's head met the brick bench in front of the fireplace.
    I guess it has to happen....sigh.

    May you both recover quickly!

  3. Thank you so much. He isn't complaining today but it looks really bad in the corner of his eye. It's just something unexpected that could happen. I couldn't stand those carts before and now I really don't like them. I just used them to make the boys happy.

  4. Awe, thank you. Black eyes are not very common in our house and I have never had one even when I probably should have. So, it's pretty pitiful looking to me today. He isn't complaining at all so that is good. Thanks for caring so much, it means alot.

  5. Melisa AndersonFriday, April 22, 2011

    My 2 year old and I stopped at a grocery store with those high grocery carts that make a perfect place to sit underneath for little ones. He was throwing a huge fit, so I let him sit under there. Well, he put his fingers on the wheel and his thumb got caught. It ripped it up pretty badly and he lost the nail. Some things just happen, although to look at the faces of the people in the store, I was the first. {Shrug}. Accidents happen and all 4 of my boys are still living so I guess I'm making some good decisions along the way! Good thinking with the peas mama.

  6. Ouch! I hope he is feeling better soon...and you too! My little man (now twelve ) is just as accident prone as his Mamma.....we have had a few real "doozies", so I know how bad you feel as a Mamma. Sometimes he gets hurt even broken, doing things that you wonder "how could you possibly get hurt doing that?!" happens, frozen peas and hugs are the way to go! Take care.

  7. Ooouch! Thank goodness we didn't see any blood. That sounds like a bit of a nightmare, seeing your babies thumb mangled from a grocery store cart. Poor guy. The things we never even think of kids can manage to do. Jake will be bruised for a few days, but he hasn't complained so I consider him pretty lucky.

  8. Thank you so much. It seems like when my kids get hurt, it's always the strangest stuff. The last black eye we had in this family was about 3 years ago when my oldest son was 5, He took a dart to the eye trying to throw it at a balloon. It bounced off and landed in the corner of his eye next to his nose. Praise the Lord that it was only bruised and bleeding and that he didn't lose his eye. I'd never seen so much blood coming from a child's face though. Thanks for the encouragement Penny.

  9. Yep! Sounds like my son! Those are the days when I know, God is GOOD! I think the worst for me was when my son broke a 2x4 bench with his face playing tag. Of course he broke his cheek bone too. The white of his eye was filled with blood, for over a month which was painful just to look at. Then there was the fact that the injured side of his face was twice the size of the other and that took a year to go away. This year we were lucky, he just broke a wrist playing tag (for which the school didn't feel they needed to call me!) I think tag is about to be banned from our list of games! I hope he is feeling better!


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