My Sewing Corner.

I have had many, many sewing spaces.
This is my current sewing corner.
I pray it does not get downsized again.
My favorite cabinets with the twinkle lights underneath
they are on a timer so I will see them all of the time.

The other 3 corners of the room is our Home Classroom!

Just wanted to share!


  1. love it! it is very cute and i am jealous!!

  2. Hey Aimee!... first of all, I am truly crazy happy you liked the kimono shoes I posted! Second of all: Man do I wish I had a sewing corner like this! ( I will someday make this come true) And last but not least, Home schooling: It takes a brave woman to take brave decisions, and a true mommy to pull through day by day. I sorta envy how your hubby seems to support all this. I do not home school (we live in Mexico and have found an amazing Montessori school), but depending on where we live, many things in the system or what we are lead to consider "normal", are not right, or falling apart. Funny how we are not expected to question as much as some of us do. It can bother some people. I do this with what my children eat and play with. After my son fell ill, I did my homework, and chose to live life differently. Even so, there are people around me that think I´m weird. That I am taking "normal" away from my children. Who the ------ (bad mommy word) wants normal if that means poisoning your children´s bodies or minds? So I am supposed to be "obedient" and walk with everyone else, in the same direction, without questioning? Without acting? I applaud your decision, it IS time to change, and of course time to change comes because the changes around us are sometimes not good for our little ones anymore. Sounds totally healthy to me. Congrats and good luck! Big Hug all the way from Mexico! Clau
    Handmade Con Amor


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